The Sun Also Rises (on Multifamily Solar)


Visit any new single-family neighborhood today, and it’s easy to see the photovoltaic panels on the roofs of houses soaking up the energy—and limelight—of being green, while steadily making headway toward the holy grail of “net zero” construction, producing as much energy on-site as they consume.

But in the taller buildings that make up multifamily housing, progress toward offsetting apartment communities’ energy use hasn’t been as easy to achieve—or see.

“It’s one big system, going into one big meter,” says Jeffrey Perlman, president at New York–based Bright Power. “Then allocations are made for each apartment, so residents get credit for that solar on their bill. It means the complexities are in the accounting, not the physical set up.”

Read the full article on Multifamily Executive’s website.